Thirty-One Days of Italians
Celebrating Italian heritage by acknowledging the accomplishments
of Italians and Italian Americans in America
The purpose of this website is
to educate others about the
significant contributions that
those of Italian heritage have
made to America.
Biographies range from one to
several paragraphs providing
an overview, and links to a
collection of selected
resources are provided for
more in-depth research.
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be shared and distributed;
however, the work in this
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hours of researching,
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All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission except when published with this credit:
Excerpt from Thirty-One Days of Italians, ©2024 Janice Therese Mancuso.
At publication, all links were active.
Copyright 2007-2025
Janice Therese Mancuso
After hearing of Columbus’s success, and with experience in spice trade and
navigation, Caboto sought financial backing first in Spain and then in Portugal.
He moved to England, and in 1496 with the support (letters patent) from King
Henry VII, he was granted permission and received funding for a voyage west,
setting sail from Bristol. Although it was generally accepted that Caboto went
to Bristol when he first arrived in England, research conducted in the early
2000s has shown Caboto went to London first and received initial funds from
Italian bankers. (Ongoing research continues through the Cabot Project.)
Caboto made a first attempt sailing northwest in 1496, but the trip was not
successful. The following year in May, Caboto sailed again. On June 24, 1497,
Caboto landed on the North American continent, claiming the “new found land”
for the King of England. In 1498, he made a third voyage but – currently – it
has produced only speculation about the voyage and what happened to
John Cabot
First Letters Patent granted by Henry VII to John Cabot, 5 March 1496
John Cabot and the first English expedition to America
Bristol, John Cabot and the Exploration of The Americas
Cabot Project
Caboto House in Venice
Giacomo Costantino Beltrami (1779-1855)
Born into a large family in Bergamo, Italy, when France took rule of the city in 1797, Beltrami
joined with the new government. After Napoleon was defeated in 1815, Beltrami’s political
association with France caused doubt among the newly forming government, and in 1820, the
loss of a close friend caused him to travel in Italy, and then to America in the early 1820s.
After visits to Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., Beltrami started a trip through the Ohio River
and the Mississippi River to New Orleans, and met Lawrence Taliaferro, a former U.S. Army
Lieutenant, appointed an Indian Agent by President James Monroe. (An Indian agent worked as a
liaison between the federal government and the Native Americans.) Interested in the source of
the Mississippi, Beltrami changed course and joined Taliaferro on the first steamboat to travel
upstream on the river.
After landing at Fort Saint Anthony (renamed Fort Snelling), he journeyed through Minnesota,
sometimes traveling with a Native American guide, other times traveling alone. Citing what he
believed to be the source of the Mississippi, he named it Lake Julia, in admiration for his lost
friend, and wrote a book, A Pilgrimage in Europe and America, about his travels and discoveries.
Throughout his journey, Beltrami collected Native American artifacts believed to be the first ever
assembled. The collection – including two wood flutes – was sent to his home town and is housed
in the Museo Civico di Scienze Naturali (Civic Museum of Natural Science). In Minnesota, a city,
county, and lake are named in his honor.
Giacomo Costantino Beltrami: Biographical Outline
A Pilgrimage in Europe and America (Book published in 1828)
In search of the Mississippi’s source: Giacomo Costantino Beltrami
NEW Giacomo Constantino Beltrami – A Count Who Counts in Northeast Minneapolis
NEW Beltrami, Giacomo Costantino. "Letter XIV." Pilgrimage in Europe and America, Leading to
the Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi and Bloody River
Mississippi River (Map)
The Beltrami Flutes: The Earliest Known Wooden Native American Flute
Historical Marker near Richfield, Minnesota
Giovanni Caboto (c.1450-c.1498)
Known throughout the world as John Cabot, Giovanni Caboto was born and raised in Italy.
Some sources claim he was born in Genoa, others cite Gaeta – a town near Naples. The
date of his birth also varies, with mentions of slightly before 1450. His father was a spice
merchant and may be the reason why his family moved to Venice during his pre-teen
In 1934, during the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Columbus Day was declared a federal holiday. In 1977, President
Jimmy Carter signed a Proclamation 4527, designating the second Monday in October as Columbus Day.
Columbus was a man who believed. He studied, sought the answers, heeded advice, and secured funding. Many people may
have influenced and supported Columbus, but it was his belief in his capabilities as a navigator that led him to sail an uncharted
sea and find a new land. Celebrate Columbus Day.
Christopher Columbus [HM] (c.1451-1506)
[Cristoforo Colombo, Cristóbal Colón]
Columbus sailed under the Spanish flag in search of a trade route to the east, but landed on a group of islands bordering what
would become the continent of America. From 1492 to 1502, Columbus made four voyages west, and his explorations brought
immigration and trade to a New World.
Cristoforo was born to Domenico Colombo and his wife, Susanna Fontanarossa, a family of cloth-weavers; his father in wool and
his mother’s father in silk. (Most biographies state he was born in 1451, but Clements R. Markam, a noted English historian,
claimed Columbus was born in 1446 or 1447.) Columbus’s grandfather owned land outside of Genoa and his mother’s dowry
included a parcel of land. The family lived in the city of Genoa in an area set aside for weavers; and his father owned at least
one house and owned or rented another.
Columbus was the oldest of five children, and received his education through a school established for the weavers’
children. He worked with his father as an apprentice and in his early teens began to make sea voyages. In between
voyages, he study mathematics, navigation, cosmology, astronomy, geography, Latin and other languages; and continued
to work with his father.
Having read and heard about the sea-faring interests and discoveries of Portugal, Columbus arrived in Lisbon in the early
1470s. Portuguese explorers had traveled along the African coast, charting the coastline and its outlying islands, and
Columbus learned from and sailed on some of the expeditions. In his early years in Lisbon, Columbus also was a map
maker, a profession he shared with his bother Bartolomeo, who had followed Christopher to Portugal. In the late 1470s,
Columbus married Philippa (or Filipa/Filippa) Moniz; and his son, Diego, was born by 1480. Columbus was given access to
the maps and navigational charts of his deceased father-in-law, and through studying the papers, he gained a greater
knowledge of navigation and an increasing desire to travel west to reach the East.
During this time, Columbus also corresponded with Paolo Toscanelli, a noted cosmographer and mathematician, who had
charted a map showing India, China, and Japan to the west. Columbus received a copy of the chart, which confirmed his
belief of sailing west to reach these countries. In the mid 1480s, Columbus attempted to gain support for his journey from
the King of Portugal, but the country had heavily invested in reaching the East by sailing along the coast of Africa, and the
king’s consultants were not enthusiastic about the plan. With his request denied and after the death of his wife, Columbus
left Portugal.
In 1486, Columbus made his first attempt to gain the backing of Spain for his expedition, but it wasn’t until 1492, after
Spain had defeated the Moors, that King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella financed Columbus’s expedition. In 1487,
Columbus met Beatriz Enriquez and in 1488, Fernando was born.
On October 12, 1492, Columbus landed on an island that is now part of The Bahamas. Columbus made three additional
voyages – in 1493, 1498, and 1502 – and most of the accounts of his voyages are from other sources. Columbus died in
1506 in Valladolid, Spain. His remains were moved to Seville, but after his son Diego died, Diego’s wife had both bodies
moved to Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic (on the island of Hispaniola). When France captured the island from
Spain in 1795, the remains were moved to Cuba, and then moved back to Seville when Cuba won independence from
Spain. Today, most scholars and historians agree that some of Columbus’s remains are in Seville, some in Santo Domingo,
and some in Genoa, given to the city in celebration of the quincentennial. In 1887, the site of the original Columbus house
was bought by the city of Genoa. The house had been reconstructed in the late seventeenth century.
Amerigo Vespucci [HM](c.1451-1512)
Born into a wealthy family in Florence, Vespucci received his education under the tutelage of his uncle, Giorgio Antonio
Vespucci, an influential scholar who had established a school for nobles. The younger Vespucci studied language and the
physical sciences – astronomy, cosmography (maps), and geography – that most likely caused an early interest in
The Vespucci family was well established in Florence, founding a hospital and building a church, both still an historic part of
the community. The church contains a fresco, Madonna of Mercy, by Domenico Ghirlandaio, that is said to depict members of
the Vespucci family – including a young Amerigo – being protected under the extended arms of the Virgin Mary.
After the death of his father, Vespucci’s responsibilities to his family and his family’s connections, earned him a position with
the de’ Medici family as a financial manager, first in Florence, then in Spain. By the late 1490s, with news of Columbus’s
voyages, Vespucci turned his attention toward exploration. He sailed for Spain and then Portugal, making four voyages
between 1497 and 1504. Traveling twice to explore the coastline of South America, Vespucci was the first to realize that the
New World was a new continent.
His affiliation with the de’ Medici family was well known and letters describing his journeys were widely distributed
throughout Europe. Many historians cite both as reasons why leading German cartographer Martin Waldseemuller identified
the new continent as America, named after Amerigo, when he created a map of the world in 1507.
The Life of Amerigo Vespucci
Vespucci Account of His First Voyage [Fordham University]
The Letters of Amerigo Vespucci [Digital Book]
Ghirlandaio’s Madonna of Mercy
1507 Waldseemuller Map [Library of Congress]
America’s Namesake
Giovanni da Verrazzano (1485-c.1528)
In 1524, Verrazzano – sailing for France – explored the northeast coast of North America, first stopping in North Carolina,
then New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Maine. He was the first European explorer to enter the harbor of New York.
Born in Greve (region of Tuscany), the history of the Verrazzano family can be traced back to the seventh century when the
family settled in Greve (now named Greve in Chianti), about 20 miles south of Florence. Amid political upheavals, the family
prospered and a hilltop castle was built on ancient ruins. (The villa – containing Verrazzano family artifacts – and the vineyards
have been restored and are open to the public.) Verrazzano’s education led him to travel at a young age; and in his early 20s, he
moved to France, settling in the popular seaport town of Dieppe. In Dieppe, he became acquainted with those who made their
living from the sea and within a few years, he was sailing as a privateer – a private-owned ship sanctioned by the government in
warfare – for King Francis I.
Verrazzano’s interest in exploration and finding a northwest sea route to the east was backed by spice and silk merchants who
wanted a faster and less expensive way to transport merchandise, and by King Francis who had an interest in acquiring land for
France. Verrazzano sailed La Dauphine, reaching the coast of what is now North Carolina in 1524. He sailed north along the coast,
charting the waters and recording his observations of Native Americans.
He named the island of Manhattan Angoulême for King Francis I, also known as the Count of Angoulême, and provided the
information about the coastline for a map made in 1550; showing the Sea of Verrazzano. He made two more voyages for France –
exploring the coast of South America, but during the following voyage through Florida and the islands of the Caribbean, he was
captured on one of the islands and killed.
In 1909, a statue was erected in Battery Park (New York City), honoring Verrazzano as the first European explorer to enter New
York Harbor. In 1964, the world’s longest suspension bridge – 4,260 feet – connecting Brooklyn and Staten Island was named in
his honor. A ten-year controversy over naming the bridge after Verrazzano was won by Italian American historian John N. LaCorte
through his diligence in establishing that Verrazzano was the discoverer of New York Harbor. After the naming, a controversy
developed regarding the spelling of the explorer’s name. In 2018, a second “z” was added; and signs for the bridge are changed
when they are replaced from wear.
On April 17, 2024, the 500th anniversary of Verrazzno’s discovery of New York Bay was celebrated in New York, Florence, and
France. In Resolution 1139, the House of Representatives, 118th Congress “(1) acknowledges April 17, 2024, as the 500th
anniversary of the discovery of New York Bay by Giovanni da Verrazzano; and (2) recognizes the contributions of Giovanni da
Verrazzano’s voyage to North America highlighting Verrazzano’s pivotal role in the mapping and exploration of the continent and
Verrazzano’s lasting impact on the foundation of New York City and the United States.”
The Ages of Exploration: Giovanni da Verrazzano
Giovanni da Verrazzano [The Canadian Encyclopedia]
Translation of 1524 Letter from Verrazzano to King Francis I [PDF]
The Verrazzano World Map [1529]
When New York Was Called Angoulême
The Battery: Giovanni da Verrazzano
Giovanni da Verrazzano Statue, Battery Park, New York
[YouTube Video]
The Naming of the Verrazzano Bridge
Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge
Verrazzano Bridge Finally Gets Its Second ‘Z' After More Than 50 Years
NEW Resolution 1139: House of Representatives, 118th Congress
NEW Giovanni da Verrazzano 500th Anniversary [YouTube Video]
NEW Castello di Verrazzano, Greve, Tuscany
Enrico de Tonti (c.1649-1704)
[Henri de Tonti, Henri Tonty]
In the mid-seventeenth century, most of the land south of Rome (of what is now Italy) was under Spanish rule, and battles
were often fought for control of the region. Enrico de Tonti was born during a revolt against the Spaniards that ended in defeat.
His father – a politician and businessman – was part of the revolution, and to avoid persecution, he fled to France with his
family and newborn son Enrico, now Henri.
It’s noted that de Tonti was well educated and that he enlisted as a cadet in the French army in his late teens. He later served
in the French navy and – according to some sources – de Tonti became lieutenant and fought numerous sea battles. While in
the French military, de Tonti lost his hand and the iron replacement, covered with a glove, earned him the nickname, “Iron
While in Paris, de Tonti met René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, a former Jesuit who was seeking permission from Louis
XIV to establish colonies and a trade market in America for New France. In partnering with La Salle, de Tonti first traveled to
Quebec in 1678, and was subsequently put in charge of establishing a fort at Niagara Falls, and later assigned by La Salle to
supervise several other forts and fur trading posts in the Eastern Great Lakes area. In 1682, de Tonti traveled with La Salle
down the Mississippi River and was with La Salle when he claimed the Louisiana Territory for King Louis XIV. (De Tonti
chronicled La Salle’s expeditions in Memoir ….)
Throughout his travels in the Midwest and the South, de Tonti established friendly relations with many Native American tribes,
at times negotiating peace between tribes; and he was later appointed to negotiate peace between the Choctaw and Chickasaw
in Louisiana. La Salle often placed de Tonti in charge and after La Salle died in 1687, many considered de Tonti his successor.
In addition to his numerous expeditions and relationships with Native Americans, in 1687, de Tonti established the first
settlement in Arkansas, earning him the title “The Father of Arkansas.” De Tonti died from yellow fever.
Henri de Tonti (1649–1704) [Encyclopedia of Arkansas]
Enrico Tonti’s Contributions
Tonti, Henri de (ca. 1649–1704) [Handbook of Texas]
Enrico Tonti: The Most Powerful Man in America
Memoir on La Salle's Discoveries 1678-1690 by Henri de Tonti [PDF]
American Journeys: Notes on Memoir …
They Called Him “Thunder Arm”: Henri de Tonti, the ‘Father’ of Arkansas
Henri de Tonti – the Founder of Peoria [PDF]
Historic & Important Inscribed Miquelet of North American Explorer Henri De Tonti
De Tonty Suing for Peace in the Iroquois Village [Painting by George Catlin, c.1847]
In Venice, Caboto followed in his father’s profession as a spice trader and
also became an expert navigator. In 1476, he was granted Venetian
citizenship, allowing him to conduct trade at the ports of Venice. With his
knowledge of spice trade and navigation, Caboto was prominent in the
industry, but financial difficulties caused him, his wife, and children to move
to Valencia, Spain and later to Seville. In Spain, he worked on some
construction projects, having previous experience in building houses in